Rehabilitation of WASCO Infrastructure in Mapoteng, Makhaleng and Qomo-qomong.

Record of Decision (RoD) Zones 6 and 7
Supply and Delivery of Submersible Pump with Borehole Pump-Set, Main Pipes, Distribution pipes for WASCO
Record of Decision (RoD) Zones 6 and 7
Supply and Delivery of Submersible Pump with Borehole Pump-Set, Main Pipes, Distribution pipes for WASCO

Rehabilitation of WASCO Infrastructure in Mapoteng, Makhaleng and Qomo-qomong.

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  • Create Date 19/08/2022
  • Last Updated 19/08/2022

Rehabilitation of WASCO Infrastructure in Mapoteng, Makhaleng and Qomo-qomong.



Specific Procurement Notice

Request for Quotations

Small Works


Re-Advertisement as a Follow-up to the Publication of the The Post Newspaper of July 29, 2022, to Present Repackaged Procurements


 (One-Envelope Bidding Process)


Country:                                Kingdom of Lesotho

Name of Project:                 Lesotho Lowlands Water Development Project II

Contract Title:                    Rehabilitation of WASCO Infrastructure in Mapoteng, Makhaleng and Qomo qomong.

Credit No.:                           6403 (Portion A and 6402 Potion B)

RFQ Reference No.:           LLWDP/W/12 (A and B)


  1. The Kingdom of Lesotho has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Lesotho Lowlands Water Development Project II, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Rehabilitation of WASCO Infrastructure in Mapoteng, Makhaleng and Qomo-qomong.


  1. The Ministry of Water now invites sealed Quotations from eligible Bidders for the Rehabilitation of WASCO Infrastructure in Mapoteng, Makhaleng and Qomo-qomong.



Tender No. Project Name Location of Site Estimated Duration (months) Approximate Location Coordinates Bid Security Amount (LSL)
LLWDP/W/12 (A) Construction Of Well-Points, Rehabilitation Of Intake Structure And Pipelaying With Protection In Makhaleng, Mohale’s Hoek and Qomo-Qomong, Quthing





5 Months 30˚05’58” S, 28˚24’05” E



30˚24‘00” S 27˚43’34” E


30˚23‘49” S 27˚41’51” E

LLWDP/W/12 (B) Replacement and Diversion of the 200mm Gravity main in Mapoteng, Berea


Mapoteng 5 Months 25,702.80
  1. Bidding will be conducted through a national competitive procurement using Request for for Quotations (RFQ) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers- Procurement in Investment Projects Financing” Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services July 2016 Revised November 2017 and August 2018 and November 2021 (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.
  2. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Lesotho Lowlands Water Development Project II) from Friday 19th  of August 2022;  enquiries must be send to this emails: with a copy to    and
  3. The Request for Quotations document, including the Environmental Social Management Framework (ESMF) in English can be downloaded free of charge from website, Opportunities, Tenders.
  4. Quotations must be delivered to the address below on or before Friday September 2nd, 2022, at 11:00 am at 788/9, Fairview Avenue, Lower Thetsane, Maseru, Kingdom of Lesotho. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Quotations will be rejected. Quotations will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on Friday September 2nd, 2022, at 11:00 am
  5. All Quotes must be accompanied by a Bid Security as stated in the above table, in a form of Bank Guarantee.
  6. The address referred to above is:

788/9 Fairview Avenue

Lower Thetsane

Maseru 100, Lesotho

Tel: +266 2232 4555


Attached Files

Request for Quotations Qomoqomong Quthing.pdf
Request for Quotations Mapoteng Berea.pdf

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